3 Focal Points for Your Entrepreneurial Journey
“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” Guy Kawasaki Entrepreneurial ventures are not easy, otherwise everyone would be taking the plunge. And in a day and age where 96% of businesses fail within 10 years, the odds are stacked heavily against entrepreneurs vying to...
3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Their Journey
Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.” — Anonymous The entrepreneurial journey is filled with twists and turns causing some to hold on for the ride and others to...
Welcome to Entrepreneurial Chef
If you operate within the boundaries of the culinary industry and either aspire to become an entrepreneur, or you’re one already, the site is for you.
Anyone from restaurateurs, food truck owners, line cooks, chefs, caterers, consultants, bloggers, vloggers, writers, wranglers, sommeliers, to food critics, and on and on. If there is a way that someone is monetizing their experience, we are dedicated to highlighting it for others to take notice and possible model after.