The kitchen is where it is at for chefs. It’s your domain, the place you feel the most at home. That’s why you started a cooking business from scratch. Of course, the competitive industry makes it hard to succeed, especially when there are so many high-quality rivals competing for customers.

This means one thing – you need to enhance the flavor of your dishes. The better they taste, the higher your reputation. It’s tempting to think you need to add more salt or butter or find different techniques for cooking. In reality, these small tweaks to your kitchen can work wonders.

Cast Iron Pans

Non-stick pans are popular because they do exactly what they say on the tin. From a washing-up perspective, it says on time and energy, and they are two big resources you don’t want to waste. However, non-stick cooking utensils also fail to soak up the flavors of the ingredients you use, leaving you without the umami taste that will take your recipes to the next level. By simply swapping out non-stick or cast iron pans, you can build up a base of flavor that will seep into every dish you prepare. Think of it like how a pizza stone adds depth to the dough.

Water Treatment System

The water from the faucet should be okay to drink. As a result, you don’t think twice before turning the tap and filling up pans before leaving them to boil on the hob. But, what you might fail to recognize is the extra iron in the H2O. It’s not easy to taste, yet if it’s there, it will give your meals a metallic element that could be bitter and harsh. A water treatment system uses electrodeionization to deionize water and separate the dissolved ions. Therefore, the base of your stocks shouldn’t be overly strong.


Take your eye off a dish and it will burn. That’s a waste because you can’t serve burnt food to customers as it will reflect poorly on the restaurant. Therefore, it’s better to keep the oven at a low heat to ensure you have more time to react. But, by doing this, you’re missing out on the deep caramelization that comes from the extra warmth. So, if your current ovens allow it, you should turn up the temperature and use a watch or stop clock to keep your timings on point. If not, you might require a new oven to enable you to get the crispiness and caramel texture that the best restaurants are notorious for.

First In, First Out

Organization shouldn’t be overlooked. After all, being unprepared means you run the risk of missing deadlines or, worse, serving food that contains old ingredients. The freshest product is imperative as it tastes so much better than anything that’s old and on the turn. With the first in, first out method – you store the newest stuff behind the old stuff – you can quickly throw away the first row of ingredients when you’re in a rush, knowing that what’s behind it is perfectly fine.

What can you do to improve your dishes and stand out from the crowd?

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